Columbia Motorcycle Injury Lawyer
The only thing worse than being seriously injured in a motorcycle accident is to find out later that you were taken advantage of by an insurance company.
Insurance claims adjusters know all the tricks in the book. The companies they work for have had years of practice in diminishing and denying motorcycle insurance claims and wrongful death cases.
The insurance company has an army of lawyers helping them.
Shouldn’t you have a legal team fighting for you?

Ready to speak with a South Carolina Biker Lawyer and get answers today?
Simply contact us now with one of the two options below.
How may we help you?
Don’t let insurance companies and complexity in the legal system penalize you just because you ride a motorcycle. We will fight for your rights and for what you are entitled.
If you have been injured, we will help you get all possible insurance and assets – anything and everything you deserve for just compensation. Our firm has successfully settled complex claims and obtained maximum financial compensation for injured clients and their families.
Even if you think you’re dealing with something that we don't handle, we still want you to call us for legal advice. If we cannot take your case, we will get you to the right firm to help you and your family.
- We take NO PAYMENTS UP FRONT and take NO FEE UNLESS WE WIN your case.
- We offer a FREE CONSULTATION regarding your motorcycle injury case and CLEARLY EXPLAIN your legal options.
- We are not satisfied until you win FULL COMPENSATION and JUSTICE for your motorcycle accident or insurance dispute in Columbus, SC and the surrounding area.

The Solomon Law Group
Free Motorcycle Injury Compensation Book
In this FREE Legal Guide you will learn...
- 11 questions you should ask before you sign anything
- 5 strategies that can double your insurance settlement
- 5 mistakes that can ruin your motorcycle injury claim
How long it will take to settle your motorcycle injury claim - 5 questions that insurance adjusters never want you to ask
- The 3 biggest factors affecting the value of your claim
- 5 secrets that adjusters don’t want you to know

Protecting Motorcyclists Rights
Solomon Law is also a member of The National Academy of Motorcycle Injury Lawyers. NAMIL was founded by a highly regarded personal injury lawyer to provide leadership that promotes the highest degree of excellence, integrity and professionalism in the practice of motorcycle injury law.
Get a FREE Audit of Your Motorcycle Insurance Coverage By Our Lawyers
Motorcycle Riders need specific insurance coverage. Insurance agents will not tell you this. Do yourself a favor and get a FREE Insurance Review from a lawyer who has seen "first-hand" the harm done to injured bikers and their families when they do not have the proper coverage.